Friday, May 12, 2006

So you think you can’t read Russian?

Try this, my (hardly) tried and (barely) tested Russian Learning Tool.

Here follows twenty words / names / places in Russian. They are all genuine. They will help you learn to read and pronounce the letters of the Russian Alphabet.

OK, it’s a bit unfair to plunge you straight in at the deep end if you have never tried Russian before, so as a buoyancy aid, the first four I will give you... and you will almost certainly have come across them before.

The first is pronounced “DA” and means “YES”, the second is “NYET” and means “NO”, the third is the (reasonably) well known Russian beetroot soup called “BORSHCH” and the fourth is “ROSSIYA” which means “RUSSIA”.

Note carefully the transliterations!

The rest I’ll leave up to you.

They are all easy, so don’t confuse yourself! The letters in brackets are the new ones you are learning for each word.

At the end is a three part task.

ДА (да)
НЕТ (нет)
БОРЩ (борщ)
РОССИЯ (сия)
ЭЛЬФ (э)

That’s 31 of the 33 letters you have learnt (?).

The last two are Ъ and Ы.

You should have figured something out about Ь from the list above. The same thing applies to Ъ. (You will notice they are similar looking – but entirely different – letters.)

The remaining one, Ы, is generally transliterated into English as either “i” or “y”, and is pronounced a bit like the “i” in “bit”, but down in the throat somewhere. It’s not a sound we make in English.

Right… the task.

This is not so easy – but be brave, and use your intuition.

  1. What is the trait that is common to Ь and Ъ?
  2. What is the English word (not transliteration) for the Russian ШАХМАТЫ?
  3. Write your name (or if you prefer your username) in Russian text.

Go on… have a go… you know you want to.

No cheating, by the way!!!


Cherrypie said...

How do I get the cyrillic alphabet on my keyboard?

I think I've worked out my name ( phonetically). It's that squared off W at the end of Borsch ( except I pronounce it Ch as in Church)

WEPbI and then the Pi sign with a curly tail coming off it.

Spasibo. I love languages x

Cherrypie said...

Я смотрю вперед к встречать вас на воскресенье

Я буду одним с малюсенькими биноклями

Это будет большая потеха.Я смог быть здесь вся ноча


The Birdman said...

Hi черрипай...

I'm looking forward to meeting you also on Sunday... although I think "Я смотрю вперед" refers to the direction in space, not time... could be wrong though, only been doing this a few years!

Well done with your name, btw!

Zanna_x said...

Меня зовут Занна! Ти хи :p
Had to dig out Russian keyboard for that which was under layers and layers of everything which gets crammed/hidden on the keyboard table when I'm told to tidy up.
Now have to go pick everything up from the landslide I just caused...