Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Welcome one and all!

Welcome, indeed, to my first posting on my first blog.

Forgive me any indiscretions as I make my way gingerly in this brave new world!

So what's this all about then?

Well, for those who are curious, and even for those who aren't, my blog title translates (I hope!) as "Idle Chatter".

I was going to call it Мнения (Opinions) as I thought that would be what I would mostly submit. I do, after all, have an opinion on everything, even when I've no idea what I am talking about!

But then I figured that would be simply too restrictive, and besides, what's wrong with a bit of idle chatter from time to time?

I guess as things develop, this blog will mature and grow, and if it provides any interest whatsoever, then it will have been worth doing.

OK... a couple of ground rules which you must allow me!

1. I stand by what I say in the context I say it and the time it is said.
2. I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time.

And if you feel the need to challenge me... please do... strongly if you wish, but always in good spirit.

After all, we can't all agree, and what a boring place this world would be if we did.


Boo said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! It is good fun, it is harmless and free, what more could you ask?

The Quacks of Life said...

welcome aboard

DH59 said...

Nice one, Dave.

I've made a link to it from mine, so I'll keep checking in to see what you're chattering about.

Eagleseagles said...


I'm trying this out too but I keep making mistakes!!!

Zanna_x said...

You have a cool phone AND a blog?!? WOW! Who are you and where's my dad?!? Lol. Just kidding. Hello 'idle chatterer'. See I remembered. Honest. No use of translation site whatsoever. At all. Promise. Really. Ahem... Lol.
Ok I'm done, bye! xxx